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Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit

Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration

3 articles about Turkey

Citizenship in segmented societies: Lessons for the EU
European Union citizenship is increasingly relevant in the context of both the refugee crisis and Brexit, yet the issue of citizenship is neither new nor unique to the EU. Using historical, political and sociological perspectives…
Refugees, Migrants, Windrush and Brexit
Immigration famously emerged as one of the more compelling factors influencing the Brexit vote, and Yasmin Khan looks at how this has played into the wider politics of ethnic diversity in Britain, feeding directly into the divisive ‘Windrush’ scandal of the spring of 2018.
Turkey, the European Union and Brexit
The causes of the Brexit referendum result go beyond the usual Eurosceptic tendencies in British politics. High migration levels, economic austerity and the fractured nature of the UK Labour Party also played a part.