Welcome to our page dedicated to Migzen in the media featuring a collection of articles, interviews, and other media coverage on our research into the impact of Brexit on migration and citizenship. We hope you find it informative and inspiring!
Humanitarian Visas in a Hostile Environment: Historical legacies, geopolitical ties and everyday experiences
Subject to change: What do EU citizens in the UK, and British diasporas, think about king and country?
Why migrants aren't equally welcome in Britain after Brexit | Nando Sigona and Michaela Benson | Open Democracy
Who is breaking the asylum system? | Nando Sigona | Transforming Society
The UK's refugee 'invasion' is a Brexit-made policy failure | Nando Sigona and Michaela Benson | Political Quarterly
Brexit sparked greater attachment to the European Union in UK and EU citizens living abroad, survey says | Nando Sigona, Catherine Craven and Michaela Benson | The Conversation
Four ways Brexit and the loss of free movement have made life harder for mixed British-European families | Michaela Benson, Elena Zambelli and Nando Sigona | The Conversation
How Brexit transformed mobile families into migrant families | Elena Zambelli, Michaela Benson and Nando Sigona | UK in a Changing Europe
Embarrassed to be British | Jon Henley | The Guardian
EU citizenship and transnational political mobilisation after Brexit | Catherine Craven, Michaela Benson and Nando Sigona | LSE EUROPP
UK government's response to this refugee crisis is too little, too confused, too slow | Nando Sigona and Michaela Benson | ODI
Debunking key myths about Britain’s ‘broken asylum system’ | Nando Sigona and Michaela Benson | The Conversation
A conversation with Professor Karen O'Reilly and Dr Michaela Benson | QMPoliticsIR
Brexit On ‘Plague Island’ Fortifying The UK’s Borders In Times Of Crisis | Michaela Benson and Nando Sigona | The Sociological Review Magazine