Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit
Posts tagged transnationalism

29 April 2022
EU citizenship and transnational political mobilisation after Brexit
Following the Brexit referendum, a number of organisations were set up to support the rights of EU citizens in the UK and British citizens in the EU. Catherine Craven, Michaela Benson and Nando Sigona reflect on the work of these organisations and ask what their legacy will be.
EU citizensBrits in EUtransnationalismpolitical mobilisationThe3Million

26 April 2022
'Racialized Affectivities of (Un)Belonging: Mixed (Race) Couples in the Shadow of Brexit' wins the #Genealogy 2020 Best Paper Award
Elena Zambelli won the "#Genealogy 2020 Best Paper Award" for her article “Racialized Affectivities of (Un)Belonging: Mixed (Race) Couples in the Shadow of #Brexit ”.
The article is available open access at
BrexitEU citizensbelongingtransnationalismmixed-status families

24 February 2022
Transnational politics and 'The Ethics of Exile': Catherine Craven in conversation with Ashwini Vasanthakumar
Catherine Craven speaks to Ashwini Vasanthakumar (Associate Professor, Queen’s University, Canada), about her recently published book The Ethics of Exile: A Political Theory of Diaspora, which explores the normative and political agency of exiles.