Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit
Posts tagged EU citizens

20 September 2023
Join us for the International Symposium 'Migration, coloniality and belonging in ‘Global Britain’
Want to think critically at how Britain reimagined itself and its political community, politics and hierarchies of belonging after Brexit? Join us in Birmingham on Friday 17 November 2023 for the day-long International Symposium 'Migration, coloniality and belonging in "Global Britain"'!
BrexitReborderingBritishnessBritish citizensbelongingEU citizenscolonialismcitizenshipmigration policy

5 May 2023
From the pomp and circumstance of the coronation to the fanfare of Eurovision
Announcing the release of the first episode of the podcast 'Who do we think we are? presents "Global Britain"'. We’re talking Eurovision, the Coronation and the Commonwealth Games as we consider how EU citizens in the UK and British citizens in the EU make sense of ‘Global Britain’ and its imagined communities.
BrexitCoronationEurovisionEU citizensGlobal Britainpodcast

2 May 2023
A new podcast from the MIGZEN research team: Who do we think we are? presents 'Global Britain'
British citizens living abroad together with EU citizens and others who have made the UK their home before Brexit are poised to tell their stories as part of a Lancaster University project.
Brits in EUEU citizensGlobal BritainCoronationEurovision

17 April 2023
Subject to Change: What do EU citizens in the UK, and British diasporas, think about king and country?
BritishnessBritish citizensEU citizensnationalismReborderingmonarchy

14 March 2023
“In London, I Am a European Citizen”: Brexit, Emotions, and the Politics of Belonging - hot off the press & open access
London hosts by far the largest population of non-national EU citizens in Europe. It is also home to roughly one-third of the entire EU citizen population living in the UK. Does place matter to how EU citizens experienced Brexit?
LondonEU citizensBrexitsuperdiversityEU families

13 October 2022
"We still love EU": Feelings of attachment to the European Union are still running high among EU nationals in the UK and British nationals in the EU
New MIGZEN Research Brief reveals enduring attachment to the EU among British nationals living in the EU and EU nationals in the UK six years after the Brexit referendum
political engagementpolitical participationEU citizensBrits in EU

1 June 2022
Are you a migrant who has been living in the UK since before the 2016 EU referendum?
Are you an EU/EEA citizen, or a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA/UK, who has been living in the UK since before the Brexit referendum? If so, would you like to become part of our online People's Panel? Get in touch to find out how to take part!
BrexitMigrationsocial researchResearch methodsEU citizensPeople's Panel

9 May 2022
How Brexit transformed mobile families into migrant families
A reflection on the effects of Brexit on mixed-status families in the EU/EEA and the UK.
Brexitmixed-status familiesbelongingBrits in EUEU citizens

29 April 2022
EU citizenship and transnational political mobilisation after Brexit
Following the Brexit referendum, a number of organisations were set up to support the rights of EU citizens in the UK and British citizens in the EU. Catherine Craven, Michaela Benson and Nando Sigona reflect on the work of these organisations and ask what their legacy will be.
EU citizensBrits in EUtransnationalismpolitical mobilisationThe3Million

26 April 2022
'Racialized Affectivities of (Un)Belonging: Mixed (Race) Couples in the Shadow of Brexit' wins the #Genealogy 2020 Best Paper Award
Elena Zambelli won the "#Genealogy 2020 Best Paper Award" for her article “Racialized Affectivities of (Un)Belonging: Mixed (Race) Couples in the Shadow of #Brexit ”.
The article is available open access at
BrexitEU citizensbelongingtransnationalismmixed-status families

9 December 2021
Don’t Pass Go: Brexit, Covid-19 and the Rising Numbers of Romanians Stopped at the UK’s Borders
Since the start of 2021 an increasing number of EU citizens have been stopped trying to enter the UK. While Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic contribute to this, the rising number of Romanians being stopped at the border requires further explanation. In this blogpost, Michaela Benson looks at the statistics in more detail.
statisticsBrexitBordersEU citizens